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About APK

About Us

The Apiculture Platform of Kenya (APK) is a registered National multi-stakeholder Society which is private sector-led tasked with coordinating stakeholders along the beekeeping value chain in Kenya to bolster growth and realize industry potential. APK was launched in 2016 through the support from AU-IBAR and was registered as a Society in 2017 by the Registrar of Societies.

APK has representation along the beekeeping value chain including input suppliers, bee products producers, processors, marketers, and consumers. Other sectors represented include; learning institutions, research, policy, standardization, finance and development agencies. APK therefore is composed of professionals capable of unbiased approach in the development of the beekeeping sector in Kenya and beyond.

The overall objective of APK is to develop apiculture sector for crops productivity through pollination services, enterprise promotion, environmental conservation, networking and collaborations. Specifically, the Platform  focuses on;

  • A vibrant and sustainable apiculture industry in Kenya for improved livelihoods.
  • Use of bees and other pollinators for pollination services as an input for agricultural transformation and environmental conservation.
  • Collaboration and partnership within the beekeeping value chain.

  • Bee health, quality standards and good practices in the apiculture sector.
  • Apicultural innovations and appropriate technologies.
  • Creating consumer awareness and capacity building on honey and other hive products.
  • Enhance policy issues in sectors affecting bee health and apiculture trade/markets.

General Inquiries

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Developing Apiculture in Kenya